Where was Hillary’s Spy?

The question no one seems to be asking James Clapper nor James Comey is, “where was the spy for Hillary’s campaign?”

Mr. Clapper recently appeared on “The View” – they should rename that show “The Myopic View”. Uber intellect Joy BeHar did a grueling interview. The two James’ have started using the “Mr. Trump should be happy we spied on him” line. Joy BeHar dutifully nodded like a bobbled head when Clapper rolled out the James’ rehearsed sound bite for their lapdog media. Joy said, “Why doesn’t he like that, he should be happy.” Well done bobble head.

Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, said he doesn’t like the term Spying. Wait, what? Clapper went on to say this about the spying:

“They (the FBI) were spying on what the Russians were doing, trying to understand if the Russians were infiltrating, trying to gain access…”

Now we shall give the bobble head a pass for not asking, “I thought it was collusion”, then I thought it was “obstruction” and now it is “protection”, so why didn’t you inform the Trump campaign? No, no… that would be too much for the BeBobbleHar.

The question not asked of the two James’ is, “Where was the CI / Spy for the Hillary campaign?” The DNC server was supposedly hacked but not turned over to the FBI. Why? If you are trying to understand if the Russians are infiltrating, wouldn’t even Barney Fife find that curious, let alone the DNI and Head of the FBI?

Hillary’s emails were leaked from her private server and the only possible thought process for our highly intelligent DNI and FBI leaders is it has to be a Russian hacker. They have never seen an insider.

Surely, they considered the Hillary leaks could be an inside job and put a Spy into the Clinton campaign… right? Surely, they did – so James and James, who was it? Please leak that name to your press contacts!


  1. Why has that question never been asked? I am going to assume you do not have a staff the size of The New York Times or Washington Post yet you came up with a very astute question.

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