The Incredible Condescending Political Hubris of Chuck Schumer!

President Donald Trump recently met with two political dinosaurs, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumerosaurus and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosilophus, for a conversation about Border Security. Schumer did not disappoint. Chuck embarrassed himself yet again, with his Incredible Condescending Political Hubris.

We covered it before, when Chuck thought Hillary’s private email server and her destruction of 30,000 emails while under subpoena were just “bumps in the road.” However, he hit another low on Border Security. Let us review two quotes from Schumerosaurus:

Elections have consequences, Mr. President.


We do not want to shut down the government… Because you can’t get your way.

You see, when Democrats win, elections have consequences. But, when Republicans win… “you can’t get your way.”

Mr. Schumer, you are an ignorant political shill! You do not realize over 62 million people voted for Trump because they indeed want a physical wall! Those 62 million people can’t get a wall built because “you can’t get your way!” Even if you supported a wall in 2006:

Schumerosaurus now wants to support a “virtual” fence. Probably the second most idiotic idea since Chuck’s parents decided to have a child. What exactly does the US do when the virtual fence alerts us to thousands crossing in multiple caravans? How exactly do we operationally react to non-impaired access across the border? Do we scramble bombers?

Another senseless comment Chuck made:

And the experts say you can do border security without a wall, which is wasteful and doesn’t solve the problem.

Chuck, like all good liberals, used that “Experts Say” line. That is supposed to give one an unbelievable amount of credibility. Even if it means nothing, references nothing and can’t deal with even the simplest of questions… as we just noted above.

Chuck, you need to take your Incredible Condescending Political Hubris on a world tour! The following countries are too stupid to understand what all experts say, because they have indeed built walls:


  1. Democrats see themselves as some new sophisticated upper class and part of that is employing cheap foreign illegal as their slave labor in the garden, kitchen, cleaning the house, the pool and looking after the kids. In their conceited condescending way they see it as charity.

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