When Truth Counts…

There is a saying, “When seconds count the Police are only minutes away. There should be another, “When truth counts Legacy Elite Media are only years away.”

The recent past has proven we do not have an honest press. In a time of election concerns and COVID fears it has become obvious how ill-equipped this bag of clowns are to deliver unbiased news. When important events fill the day and when one needs real truth, the one place you can’t get it is Legacy Elite Media (LEMings).

As more and more details come forward it appears very credible that COVID-19 started from a lab leak. A pandemic that caused millions of deaths and plunged the world into lock-down was met by the never curious LEMing class with the want of being spoon-fed. From the early days of COVID-19 LEMings were more about attacking Trump than investigating the source.

It is now an undeniable truth, the LEMing class spent more time attacking the person solidifying a vaccine than investigating the source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nourished yet again by special interests, LEMings called any talk of a Wuhan lab leak a “conspiracy theory.” Outlets ran with China’s preferred narrative that the virus originated in animals. I can’t remember a single LEMing outlet using the term” gain-of-function” research. Is it possible all major media outlets had no idea of gain-of-function – if they were researching a potential lab leak origin? Or could it be our media outlets are so biased they simply echo what their Democrat overlords tell them to report?

  • CNN slammed Republican Sen. Tom Cotton from Arkansas for his comments on Fox News in an article titled “Tom Cotton is playing a dangerous game with his coronavirus speculation.”
  • ABC News slammed Trump for pulling a grant for coronavirus research that was tied to the Wuhan lab, running an article titled “Trump admin pulls NIH grant for coronavirus research over ties to Wuhan lab at heart of conspiracy theories.”
  • The New York Times ran a story titled “Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins” in February of 2020.
  • NPR ran two stories citing “scientists” and “virus researchers” who supposedly “debunk[ed]” the possibility that the novel virus leaked from a lab.

And just like a charlatan doing his own self-audit, the LEMing class will find no fault in their coverage. Just like social media master FakeBook lifting the ban on Lab Leak Posts:

Facebook Lifts Ban on Wuhan Lab Leak Posts amid Renewed Debate over Theory

Remember when Twitter banded all talk of Hunter Biden’s laptop before an election! Remember the “50 Intelligence Officers?” These in-kind donations were not met with no-knock raids at 3AM. No, all Jack did was admit it was wrong AFTER THE ELECTION!

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admits Post lockout was ‘a mistake’

In times when we need honest unbiased news, be it a global pandemic or election interference the one thing you can count on is not being able to count on Legacy Elite Media.

If you think differently, if you are rolling your eyes and smirking like the epitome of the LEMing class – Christiane Amanpour, watch the video below. It is worth remembering how the same LEMings and Democrat’s that could not believe Trump beat Hillary launched a Special Prosecution into Trump that lasted three years. All of it based on a fake dossier, but void of social media blackouts and talk of conspiracy by the LEMing class!

Yet today, they want zero forensic audits and call all talk of election interference conspiracy theories. The current claims are not based on a fake dossier funded by the opposition party, but based on Constitutional Law where even Judge McCullough wrote the following Memorandum Opinion in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania dated November 27, 2020:

“… this Court can state that Petitioners have a likelihood of success on the merits of its Pennsylvania Constitutional claim.”

Judge McCullough

That sums up the current state of media. It is an embarrassment on the history of journalism, one that cannot be washed away by saying “we made a mistake” years later.

MSNBC And CNN Admit: We Need To Be ‘More Fair’ To ‘Donald Trump And The Republicans’

Liberals throw Bill Clinton under the bus to cover for 25 years of taking the wrong stand on sexual abuse

Behold Journalisming


  1. Modern day journos have little idea how to remove their personal feelings from coverage. They have been filled with so much wrong information they are lost on how to find truth.

  2. Such a good point on the “Gain of Function” – I heard a clip from Morning Joe the other day where he had someone explain to their audience what gain of function was. All the conserative alt-news outlets have been talking about it since January. To think our trusted-class media hasn’t even heard of it shows they did not look into anything. Nice article.

  3. The traditional network media liberal-leaning Lefty press corps are liars and propagandists. For conservative right side reporting i go mostly to internet sites like Rumble and Dailywire to get at least a mixture of real facts and opinion. And if i want conservative commentary I trust I go to places like the Hoover Institute and listen to leading conservative thought leaders. But I do often listen to Tucker/Hannity/Laura for commentary and FOX news. CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC, CBS and MSNBC are appallingly BAD sources of news, they only supply misleading one sided semi-facts(or just outright lies) . But on the left they always start from the position that a Conservative and Christian viewpoint is a flawed (and now they say a racist one – that is B.S. ). In 1776 obtaining our Democratic freedom meant discarding the chains of tyranny forged by the European monarchies and their despotic military governors. We fought a Civil War to free ourselves from the WICKED bonds of slavery. Post WWII we had to fight against commnism regimes all over the world, before most of them crumbled because their people rose up for freedom. Except for one last evil Communist empire in Communist China and their satellite allies in Southeast Asia. And don’t forget North Korea’s (Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un) 3 hereditary dictators. So now we come down to it – the rioting and violence that is happening here in the USA is a war of basic beliefs and ideas, and the losers must live with the results. We of the Conservative Christian right must not lose this war of ideas! “We do pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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