Modern Day Third Reich

In the coalition cabinet Nazis held only 3 out of 11 seats. They had Hitler as chancellor, Wilhelm Frick as Reichsminister of the interior, and Hermann Göring as a Reichsminister. Hitler’s first step was to persuade the cabinet to agree to new elections. The elections were fixed for March 5, 1933, and the Nazis made full use of the power that they now possessed over the apparatus of the state, including the radio, to launch a whirlwind campaign. Although the other parties were still allowed to function formally, their meetings were broken up, their speakers assaulted, and their newspapers continually suppressed.1Third Reich

The Democrat party is the Modern Day Third Reich (MDTR). Home of Antifa, Social-Media Oligopolists and a Polluted Press, Democrats yell “fascism” while fully emulating a fascist regime. For four years they called Donald Trump a fascist while attempting to subvert a sitting president more than 25 times, as we have documented.

As soon as Democrats rigged the election and stole control, they started the MDTR trudge. Biden began by mandating experiential injections and firing those who disobeyed. The administration continued with mask mandates, lock downs, subverting schools, colluding with the press and creating a Ministry of Truth.

This is a big government teachable moment. The uniparty under Bush established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) when it could have just fixed communication between agencies. But no, the limited government party decided to create an entirely new, overlapping administrative power. As a lesson in why big government is bad, this new Ministry of Truth is coming out of DHS and given the Orwellian name Disinformation Governance Board.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas carefully selected Nina Jankowicz to lead this new board. She calls herself “a disinformation fellow” and a Russian disinformation expert.   

Here are examples of Nina pushing disinformation, so she is the “perfect” choice:

Here is Nina letting us all know that she has been working on the Ministry of Truth for two months! Did any Republicans know this or as usual, are they complicit?

Finally, behold, your whack job Mistress of Truth:

However, the story of the MDTR does not stop at the Ministry of Truth.

The Democrats are again using the DOJ to attack any future plans that could prevent their election rigging. The Department of Justice has been recently caught working with big liberal attack dogs, including the NAACP, the ACLU, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Southern Poverty Law Center as reported by Just the News. The communication exposing this infamous covenant was provided as heavily redacted FOIA responses which also included trafficking with the law firm Perkins Coie. Perkins Coie, as you may remember, also represented the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

This coordinated hit job was instituted to sue Georgia and overturn its election integrity law. Yet it doesn’t stop there. The MDTR advocacy groups and DOJ constructed an agreement to protect their discussions and emails from public disclosure by calling them common interest communications. Thus, FOIA responses are almost completely blank!

“Every lawyer (hopefully) knows what the attorney-client privilege is. But many lawyers might have only a tenuous grasp of what the “common interest privilege” is. Because this privilege can mean the difference between producing a game-changing document and keeping that document out of an adversary’s hands, mastering the elements and nuances of this particular privilege is worth the effort.”

The American Bar Association

Think about that, our government is working with like-minded leftist political groups to make sure election fraud stands in a state that is just now realizing what happened. It further is doing it in the dark, keeping all hidden from view of the American people.

Zuckerberg broke the law by funding ballot drop boxes in select states and key districts. The DNC machine (as will be exposed in 2000 Mules) then utilized those for unlawful ballot stuffing.

Instead of the DOJ investigating electoral larceny, the Department of Just Us is working in secret to make sure it can happen again!


  1. This is very dangerous water. The left is already drunk with power. Obama is still “transforming America” with like minded socialist. The Republican party is stupid and lazy. We need a call to action. If 2000 Mules doesn’t do it, we are lost.

  2. Watch, as everyone fights over Nina and now Roe, they will grab someone else to replace Nina and just like that the illegal Ministry of Truth will be born.

  3. Thank you for yet another insightful post missing from the mainstream conversation, even on conservative news outlets!

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