The Mueller Report – what is missing?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in coordination with deep state operatives, attempted to take out a duly elected president and failed. He did, however, succeed at the cover up. 

We noted back in Aug. 2017 how outlandish it was that a former head of the FBI was selected to oversee an investigation that encompassed malfeasance by the FBI. In Feb. 2019, we highlighted the numerous questionable conflicts of the Mueller probe, to include Mueller being granted a special “ethics waiver” to sit as special counsel! The details of which are still hidden. 

After 675 days, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communication records, 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas and $25 million – Mueller’s Deep State Operation Coup was forced to conclude: 

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.” 

If you would like to see what the Mueller investigation did not find – click here

MSM and Democrats (redundant) have been yelling Collusion, Collusion, Proof, Proof… for well over two years. Now that Mueller has found zero evidence of Collusion, Collusion – MSM and Dems pivot to Obstruction, Obstruction. 

Mueller Operation Cover-up

Mueller has been more successful in Operation Cover-up to date. By disingenuously refusing to deliver what $25 million and 2,800 subpoenas should have provided, Muller punted on obstruction. He provided the pivot point. Look, we get that. Mueller failed in Operation Coup, and you know his Deep State relatives could not be happy about that – to include his BFF James Comey. He had to do something to avoid humiliation, so engage Operation Cover-up. 

Ostensibly Mueller, the former head of the FBI, was granted a special “ethics waver” because in all the country, he is the best of the best. There would be no other reason to risk such a conflict of interest in such a pivotal investigation, unless we needed the best of the best. And yet, this guy doesn’t even understand basic law! Alternatively, could it be he does, but that doesn’t work for Operation Cover-up. 

Prosecutors never “exonerate” people. They find evidence of guilt, or they do not. Mueller’s report and direction decided to take a different path, as actually noted in his report: 

“First, a traditional prosecution or declination decision entails a binary determination to initiate or decline a prosecution, but we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” 

And the following statement is simply embarrassing to put in a finding report, especially from the best of the best: 

“Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” 

Comey finds evidence of guilt for Clinton, but clears her; Mueller finds no evidence of guilt for Trump but tries to keep prosecuting.

We all know what is going on, provide a path to keep this going. 675 days, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communication records, 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas and $25 million is simply not enough. 

Therefore, for Operation Cover-up: 

1) Don’t make a traditional prosecution or declination decision – any prosecutor could do that 

2) Claim obstruction is possible when you were given 675 days, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communication records, 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas and $25 million 

3) Claim obstruction is likely when there is no crime. Seriously, this from the best of the best 

With all of that, what is truly amazing is what Mueller did not investigate: 

1) Internal FBI malfeasance 

2) DNC obstruction of the server investigation 

3) Lack of a single spy put in the DNC operation. How did the FBI know no one was interacting with the Russians in the DNC? Could it be the FBI was running both sides of this operation? 

4) Review of the FISA process 

Everyone is positive Russia conspired to influence a Presidential Election and the best of the best used a mountain of resources to investigate a fake dossier and social media accounts. Yet, the best of the best did not spend a moment investigating if the DOJ was compromised? 


  1. Great article! I think it cost a lot more than $25Mil. Great point that after two years and all those resources Mueller focused on a fake dossier and social media accounts, spent goose-egg on how it started or DOJ compromise. It shows it was all political!

  2. Now that Adam Sh*** is on the J6 committee, this post remains so relevant. How is it that someone who should be a laughed out of any future role, that lied over and over and is so politically charged, gets to sit on such a committee. Because if you are not a Democrat, you can’t do anything to stop Democrats but if you are a Democrat you can do whatever you want with the full power of Government! As noted in the post “Comey finds evidence of guilt for Clinton, but clears her; Mueller finds no evidence of guilt for Trump but tries to keep prosecuting.”

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