Legacy Elite Media truly are the enemy of the people.

The Guardian ran the following headline in 2020:

‘Enemy of the people’: Trump’s phrase and its echoes of totalitarianism

The Guardian also ran the following headline in 2020 referencing Hunter’s Laptop:

The Hunter Biden story was a test for tech platforms. They barely passed

Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia, wrote the 2020 Hunter article chastising social media outlets for not summoning totalitarianism on stories that do not fit a Democrat narrative.  Siva’s article might seem “comical” given the recent New York Times revelation (to them) that confirmed Hunter Biden’s laptop after dismissing it amid the 2020 campaign. Here is what Siva wrote in 2020:

The story is almost comical. It alleges that someone delivered three laptops to a computer repair store in Delaware. The owner of that store thinks the man who delivered the computers was Hunter Biden, the son of Vice-President Joe Biden.”

Siva Vaidhyanathan

Siva, like the rest of the Legacy Elite Media (LEMming) class, did zero research. Why? Because researching the story could have derailed Democrat chances to defeat Republicans in the 2020 election. Siva may want to read the Politicalfuzz piece written in 2020 providing a long list of glaring concerns that were absent from his story. The Politicalfuzz group are laypersons, Siva as we noted, is a professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia. We got it right, he got it wrong like the rest of Legacy Elite Media!

Does anyone on the planet, or in the solar system, not know the actions of the LEMming class would have been exactly 180 degrees opposite if that laptop belonged to Donald Trump Jr.? If that laptop belonged to anyone named Trump (even no relation Bob Trump a lawn guy in Alaska), everyone knows there would have been investigative tyranny teams striking day and night in a bombardment of journalistic sorties.

The easiest way to sum this up is, LEMmings spent 3 years reporting on and investigating a contrived fake story of Trump/Russia collusion. They spent months “debunking” a real story that Hunter and Joe Biden were compromised and selling the Whitehouse under Obama so 10% could go to “The Big Guy.” The media did this against an October surprise larger than any in American history. They helped steal an election.

Consider the following: FLASHBACK: 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech. Sixteen percent is actually very low. This is simply a question on a poll, not an onslaught of media going over and over the topic, day in and day out. If the LEMmings had covered the real story of Hunter and Joe Biden the way they covered the fake Russia collision fantasy, imagine the impact!

If Legacy Elite Media are the enemy of the people, and they are, the DOJ is guilty of treason. When 50 “Intelligence” Officers” came to the rescue of Joe Biden, they gave cover so the media could run their debunk nonsense. It allowed the LEMmings to bury the story, it allowed Joe Biden in a Presidential debate to reference the letter and move on and it allowed headlines like “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say” in Politico. The FBI had the laptop and knew it was not “Russian disinfo.” And just like that, no more leaks from the DOJ. No more unnamed sources with knowledge of the situation.

Failures of Legacy Elite Media are legion. Their bias is transparent yet they perceive themselves “select purveyors of all that is principled” failing to recognize the echo chamber where they abide. Let me close quoting from Siva’s referenced Hunter Biden article:

“As we turn past the US election of 2020, we should recognize that these companies will continue to fail most of the time.”

UPDATE: Since posting this story the professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia had the following professional retort:

Never forget the media are like spoiled children:


  1. Do you think Amanpour, Stahl or Vaidhyanathan realize how dumb they look or how politically compromised they now appear? How do they remain employed in this cancel culture. I suspect because Republicans are not as organized or hateful as the left. It is time for that to change.

  2. The list of everything the press got wrong and the way they put anvils on the scales of journalism will all come out one day. They will never be able to run from their pathetic history as citizen journalist like you hold them to the fire! Good Job!!!

  3. Ok, for the record I am not laughing at Vaidhyanathan. I lied, I am laughing at his smug ass. If you are paying money to be taught by that buffoon, I’m laughing at you too!

  4. You make a very interesting point in the article. The DOJ under Trump was leaking like a sieve. Right in the middle of all that leaking and the FBI having the laptop for over a year, “And just like that, no more leaks from the DOJ. No more unnamed sources with knowledge of the situation.”

  5. So back in 2020 it was obvious to you but none of the many highly funded news outlets with large staffs of investigators or professors of media study? Got it!

  6. This is a great read after watching the left go crazy about Elon and Twitter. The LEMmings (as you call them) have been spreading disinformation for years and it always, always favors the left. Yet they all act like we do not see it. How pathetic, sad and dishonest!

  7. Think 60 minutes will do a story on how all the media got this wrong, how the 50 so called former intelligence officers got this wrong. Hell Stahl ‘s still doesn’t know Trump was spied on. Apparent she gets her news from 60 minutes. These people, and their collective works, are a joke!

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