Technocrats and the death of Legacy Elite Media

An incredible article crossed my path last week. It came from an unbelievable source and was delivered by way of an equally ridiculous route. The article was titled, “Trump’s Prosecution Is America’s Last Hope.” As thoughtless as that might sound coming from the press regarding an issue that is basically wrapped up in the First Amendment, the article was actually published by Wired Magazine. Wired looks like a technology magazine but… it isn’t. It came to my attention by way of my Apple Phone news app creating a notification that I should read this very important stuff.

Strap in for an interesting ride reviewing the article’s misses, misgivings, and maleficence. It required two highly trained writers to produce this embarrassing monument to the lack of critical thought. The equally jaded investigative prowess shines bright through the fog of emoting quips. Keep in mind the authors, Dell Cameron and Andrew Couts, do this for a living as professional something or others. I do this in my spare time as a hobby. Let’s see who can be more insightful and factual.

Before I get to the article proper, we must consider Wired Magazine printing this highly biased and myopic piece of rubbish and Apple’s desire to make it alert worthy out of millions of other articles. Ladies and Gentleman (if the writers, Wired or Apple actually know the difference) I give you Technocrats! I wrote about them in, The 2020 Election exposed more issues than just the voting ecosystem. In 1919 W. H. Smyth coined the term technocracy to mean basically “management of society by technical experts” and these unwise people are now in charge of shaping the minds of a citizenry educated into imbecility. Objectivity is gone, emotion rules the Legacy Elite Media (LEMmings) and Technocrats believe they are smarter, better and need to control everything while living in an echo chamber bubble where the volume is set at eleven.

The article in question opens with the following sentence:

“Donald Trump was arrested in Georgia tonight for his role in what prosecutors christened “a wide-ranging criminal enterprise” aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 election.”

The authors elected to quote the wide-ranging criminal enterprise part, why – for effect. It ends with “aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 election.” I put that part in quotes for… effect. The authors spent zero time defining exactly what the “overturning” was, nor did they pause to explain why someone might be concerned with the 2020 election, nor did they explain how this could possibly be a RICO case. Don’t worry I will!

Next, we have the following:

“Trump is personally accused of trying to browbeat and suborn felony acts from high-ranking Georgia officials, including the chief elections supervisor, secretary of state Brad Raffensperger.”

A high school sophomore writing a relevant paper on this topic might want to take a peek at the browbeat part, as it could possibly be relevant. I’m sure the authors never took time to reviewed the conversation with Raffensperger, but why should they since CNN or MSNBC already told them everything they need to know about that part.

The Washington Post reported on the substance of Trump’s Dec. 23 call in January, describing him saying that Watson should “find the fraud” and that she would be a “national hero,” based on an account from Jordan Fuchs, the deputy secretary of state, whom Watson briefed on his comments. When The Post first reported on the call, state officials said they did not believe that a recording existed. At that point many LEMmings started to report that Trump was telling Raffensperger to “find” votes, implying that meant produce fraudulent votes. Then a strange thing happened, officials located the recording in a “trash folder” on Watson’s device while responding to a public records request. Note the quotes… that is for effect.

You see the state said they didn’t have an audio of the call and then it is found in a “trash folder.” Seasoned reporters many not fully understand how something gets into a trash folder, but it happens when a person, in this case a “state official,” tries to deleted something. What the audio actually revealed is unlike what was being reported, Trump actually urged the investigator to scrutinize Fulton County, where she would find “dishonesty.” That paints a different narrative and thus why the original recording had to be deleted.

We need to take a moment to review that phone call, since most of the LEMming class cherry picked what content they covered. This is Trump’s first ask:

“We have at least 2 or 3 — anywhere from 250-300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County, which hasn’t been checked. We think that if you check the signatures — a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged.”

He asked for a signature audit. Here is a fact the LEMming class has kept buried since the 2020 election, there have been NO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION AUDITS of the 2020 election. Not one! In some areas the signature envelops were destroyed and the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruled that ballots in the state cannot be rejected because of signature comparisons. Think of that, would such a fact be important if Obama lost and people were disenfranchised?

Trump went on to raise a number of concerns. Take note these are not someone asking for votes to be created (as painted by the LEMmings), but someone asking for an audit. Here are other items Trump listed in the phone call that was purposely deleted by State officials:

  • “…people that went to vote and they were told they can’t vote because they’ve already been voted for”
  • “…who only voted where they had just a P.O. — a post office box number — and they had a post office box number and that’s not allowed”
  • “They voted in Georgia but they were from out of state”
  • “You had absentee ballots sent to vacant, they were absentee ballots sent to vacant addresses”
  • “…you have drop boxes where the box was picked up but not delivered for three days”
  • “…So dead people voted and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries”
  • “…In Pennsylvania, they had well over 200,000 more votes than they had people voting”
  • “They weren’t in an official voter box, but they were in what looked to be suitcases or trunks, suitcases but they weren’t in voter boxes.”
  • “But where were the poll watchers, Brad? There were no poll watchers there. There were no Democrats or Republicans. There was no security there.”

Those last two points became big social media productions about suitcases being pulled out from under tables, people being sent home and no election monitors in the room. The left wing SNOPES as expected claims all of the concerns are false. USA Today also reviewed the claims and found them false. There is an interesting pattern from all the LEMming and fact checking reports on the 2020 election. See if you can detect it from the following two fact checker quotes:

Election officials in the state have found no wrongdoing.”

Elections officials said the footage did not show suitcases, but rather standard bins for transporting ballots.”

All the expert reporters and fact checkers seem good with taking the word of “Election Officials.” Maybe it is not obvious to them but Election Officials are responsible for the elections they are clearing as 100% good. Maybe these media experts are unfamiliar with the fox guarding the henhouse idiom. What do you expect them to say… we screwed up, we have no idea what is real, we have holes in our process that you can drive LEMming class egos though?

The article also ignored recent revelations that Trump may have been very correct about his Georgia concerns. Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of True the Vote (TTV) have documented an essential timeline of events proving Raffensperger knew the voter rolls were materially inaccurate when he spoke with Trump on Jan. 2, even though he told Trump all was well. This information was not published by Wired (too much technical stuff when we need to be talking about social norms) and it was not alerted to by Apple News (probably just an oversite). If you want to know more: Georgia: TTV Says They “Have the Goods” on State Voter Rolls in 2020

I ask again, what would have been the LEMming coverage if all of this happened under Obama and he lost. The word “disenfranchised” would have been on a constant 3 second loop for months. The FBI would have injected itself as an overseer and mobile press units would have been deployed like it was D-Day. Think I’m being hyperbolic? Remember Bush-Gore 2000 where those things did happen and not because of a long list of problematic concerns. That full deployment and oversight was done due to “dimpled chads” and with “in-person” voting! Yes, dimpled chads and no questionable mail-in ballots. It was all about how three counties in Florida counted them. I quote from my article, FACT: Establishment Press Is Broken:

“Spray out ballots to everyone in a state based on unclean voter roles and then remove the requirement to validate a signature, extend the vote date beyond deadlines in other counties and states – what could go wrong? This was the plan, and most of it got executed.”

“Yet, with that background, not a single LEMming found all of this as problematic as a dimpled chad! They didn’t because they are no longer (if they ever were) journalists, they are Democrat Defense Attorneys.”

Back to, Trump’s Prosecution Is America’s Last Hope. Here is how Cameron and Couts see the RICO charge:

“For Trump and his team, allowing the case to progress to the point where a jury is actually deliberating RICO is a doomsday scenario.”

Here is how Orentlicher and Hanan see it as posted on CNN no less:

“But prosecutors should not stretch criminal laws in ways that would be unfair to Trump and that would open the door to unwarranted prosecutions of others. Yet that’s what Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is doing in Georgia”

What is particularly entertaining about this part of the piece: the corpus of the article focuses on how important “social norms,” or unwritten codes of conduct upon which the people generally agree, are in America. The fact that Fani Willis is using a law designed to go after the Mafia cannot penetrate the LEMming echo chamber bubble.

If I didn’t “know better” I’d think Cameron, Couts, Wired and Apple were highly partisan Democrats but we know that is not true… just ask them.

This compost article goes on to note:

“By the time President Joe Biden took office, the Washington Post had cataloged a decidedly pathological 30,000 false or misleading claims uttered by his predecessor.”

Unfortunately, when living in an echo chamber bubble you remain very disconnected from reality and seem to happily destroy social norms. In Matt Palumbo’s recent book, Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry, he references that claim. The Washington Post’s fact-checker Glenn Kessler started this headline grabbing catalog which Palumbo details regarding the subjective nature of this new pseudo journalism. One of the lies Kessler captured was Trump saying his job was made harder by the Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense. That single TRUE statement accounted for at least 227 entries due to variants. Jokes, sarcasm and obvious hyperbole account for the majority of numbers. If you followed me for a day, I’d have 50,000 sarcastic statements by noon. Wait was that one, up my count! If referencing Kessler’s count wasn’t stupid enough, do you want to know the social norm part of it? Kessler decided to stop maintaining a running presidential fact-check database after Biden’s first one hundred days in office!! That part didn’t make the article.

If I didn’t “know better” I’d think Kessler and the Washington Post were highly partisan Democrats but we know that is not true… just ask them.

Maybe Cameron and Couts want to focus on social norms now because Republican members are digging up numerous Biden crimes. Sure, nothing happens to Hillary when she worked with her staff to delete 30,000 emails while under subpoena – the same number as Trump lies – do you think that is a coincidence (it isn’t, conflate and rewrite history). Nothing happened to Comey and members of the FBI for all the FISA warrant lies. Nothing happened to Comey, Hillary, and the DOJ for the Russia lies. Nothing happened to the press and technocrats for the Hunter laptop from hell lies and coverup. Nothing happened to the 51 intelligent officers for election interference. The list of RICO violations is long and now would be a good time to start talking about something easier to manipulate like “Social Norms.”


  1. Another excellent article by PF! It is really worrisome to see the lack of introspection in the modern media. Also, they have an overt bias and they just can’t stop themselves. You should get paid for your efforts. There are not even ads on your site. Keep up the fantastic work!

  2. Wired is selling yearly subscriptions for $5. Maybe they should have Dylan Mulvaney write a technical article. She/He would do just as good as Cameron and Couts and it might be the best article “ever”. Your article is an embarrassment to Wired and Apple but you can be sure it will be limited in distribution and never get a “read this shit alert” from Apple!

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